Friday, June 8, 2012

Whatever my excuse is, it's invalid.

I decided to take the night off of work outs last night.  My ankle was hurting, it's been a really long week, physically & emotionally.  Just needed a night to relax.  I don't regret it today, I think it's good to take days off at least once or twice a week to let my body "recover".  I stepped on the scale this morning before coming to work, just to see, and it said 236!  236!!!!!!  I've lost 3lbs this week!  SO excited!

My dear friend, Kim, sent me a link to something she'd watched while on vacation in California over the last couple of weeks.  It's an Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, with a man named Tony.  If you have the time to watch it, here's the link:

It's a 2 hour episode, so it's kind of long, but totally worth watching!  This man proved that no matter what life hands you, no matter what obstacles throw themselves at you, no matter how much you weigh when you start, no matter how old you are, that if you have the perseverance and determination to make significant changes in your life, you can accomplish your goals.  There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that I can't reach my goals, too.  The only person standing in my way is me.  I'm the only one who can convince myself that I can or cannot do this.  It's obvious from the results that I've been seeing since I started taking this process seriously, I know I CAN do this.  I just have to continue to have confidence in myself & not listen to the excuses I try & tell myself, I'll be golden.  I got this.  I can do hard things.

OH!  And something else that I've noticed this week, I can cross my legs & sit comfortably with them UNDER my desk!  I can't remember the last time I've been able to do that.  It's never been comfortable for me to sit with my legs crossed, first of all, and since I've been so big, they've always bumped into the edge of my desk, never been able to go under.  I hope someone knows what I mean, lol, it's kinda hard to explain, but it's pretty freaking exciting for me.  :D

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