Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 1: Introduction

This is going to be an amazing adventure!  I'm Megan, I'm 32 years old, I'm a mother of 2, a full time employee, a recovering alcoholic & drug addict & have been overweight my entire life.  And when I say "my entire life", I mean my ENTIRE life.  I was sharing my moms clothes when I was 12.  I can remember weighing in for PE in 7th grade & seeing the 198lbs. on the scale.  I've never been a skinny person.  Ever.  That's going to change.  I'm doing this blog for me, to keep track of what I'm doing, what's working, what isn't working, to be able to track my progress & keep myself honest.  If I happen to inspire people along the way, awesome.  I am not a professional anything, not a dietitian, not a personal trainer, just a regular person who's tired of being fat & ready to make some life altering changes to improve my quality of life.  I hope to be posting entries daily, what I ate, how that's working, what kind of exercising I do, etc.  I'm an avid pinner on Pinterest & there's all kinds of workout suggestions that I will be trying to see if the results promised are actually attainable for the average person just getting started into a work out routine.  I'm also starting a Lazy Man Iron Man with some of my family members starting on Monday, May 28th and will complete as of Wednesday, July 4th.  Over the course of this 39 day period, the goal is to complete 26.2 miles on foot, 112 miles on bike, and 2.4 miles in the pool.  It will be a challenge for me because I have 2 daughters and join custody with their father and since school let out yesterday, they'll be with me every other week for the entire summer.  I will have to get creative in how/when I get my mileage in, because I don't think they'll be very excited on going for 10 mile bike rides or 6 mile walks with me, LOL.  But I WILL make it work!  Over the course of the last month I've gotten very serious about controlling my eating habits & making sure I have some form of exercise included in almost all of my days.  Since October of last year, I've lost a total of 30lbs.  I currently weigh 240lbs. and am 5'8" tall.  According to everything I've seen & read, the average "healthy" weight for a female of my height is, at the most, 167lbs.  I have a little bit of a ways to go.  But I'm ready & willing to do the work.  I'm done being fat, I'm done hating to go clothes shopping, I'm done feeling inadequate & uncomfortable in my own skin.  I am doing this for ME, because I CAN do hard things.  I got this.  ;)


  1. Wahoo! Go Megan! I'm glad you started a blog. I love reading stuff that helps get me off my lazy butt. We're all rooting for ya!

  2. Yes, darling. You Got This. <3
